Biasiswa JPA-MARA Special Program 2016

JPA-MARA Special Program 2016
Scholarship Info
Applicants from the 2015 SPM leavers are invited to get sponsorship under the JPA-MARA Special Program to pursue first degree studies locally and internationally. Candidates are selected for this program will follow the setup program before pursuing First Degree.
The JPA-MARA Special Program is a sponsorship program for Bumiputera students with excellent SPM results and pursuing higher education in selected courses.
Japanese Academic Program
Japan Academic Program (PAJ) is a sponsorship program to other countries in engineering and social sciences. Students will undergo a special preparation program before pursuing a first degree to Japan. College placement in preparation for the Japanese Academic Program will be held in Ambang Asuhan Jepun (AAJ) and Institut Bahasa Teikyo (IBT).
First Degree Program in Government Linked University (GLU)
Degree Programme in Government Linked Companies (GLC) University (Universiti Tenaga National, Universiti Teknologi Petronas and Multimedia University).
Students will attend a preparatory course at the University of choice before continuing the First Degree in the same University.
First Degree Degree Program in IPTS
The First Degree programs in IPTS will prepare the students before their Degree in Private Higher Education Institutions within the medical field . The inventory will be conducted in Kolej Teknologi Timur ( KTT ) and Malaysia International Islamic School (ISM).
Based on the agreement set by the scholarship provider.
Preferred Discipline
Any field offered in UTP, UNITEN, MMU
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