Yayasan Tenaga Nasional Scholarship 2015
Scholarship Info
Yayasan Tenaga Nasional (YTN) invites qualified Malaysians to apply for scholarships to pursue its overseas universities and Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) Programmes for the year 2015 intake.
Not more than 19 years of age in year 2015 Active in co-curricular activities Possess strong personality and leadership qualities No other siblings currently receiving scholarship from YTN Academic Requirements & Qualifications Pass SPM 2014 with at least A in English and Mathematics as well as obtaining at least A- in 4 subjects based on the fields study as follows: Engineering Malay Language Additional Mathematics Physics Chemistry Non-Engineering Malay Language Mathematics 3 subjects of choice from the following subjects: Additional Mathematics / Physics / Chemistry / Biology / Principles of Account / Commerce / Basic Economics / History / Geography / Islamic Education / Moral Education / Higher Arabic Language / Arabic Language (Communication) / Tasawwur Islam / Al-Quran & As-Sunnah Studies / Syariah Islamiah Studies
Preferred Discipline
(i) Engineering Foundation: Electrical Power Engineering Mechanical Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical & Electronic Engineering (ii) Non-Engineering Foundation: Computer Science Information Technology Accountancy Finance Business Studies
Contact Info
Any further information, please contact YTN office at 03-8424 7500 or the following officers:
Uniten Programme
Encik Mohd Atrash Mohd Ramlan (ext. 7511) Encik Hassim Mohd Abdul Rahman (ext. 7525) Cik Fatimah Mustafa (ext. 7529)