PETRONAS invites qualified Malaysian to apply for its scholarship to pursue studies at Universiti Teknologi Petronas or reputable overseas universities for academic year 2012/13.
Through Petronas Education Sponsorship Programme, the following scholarships are available for undergraduates programme :
Universiti Teknologi Petronas or
- Overseas universities.
The eligibility criteria for this scholarship as follows :- Candidates must use SPM 2011 result
- Malaysia citizen
- Minimum age of 17 and not more 19 years old in 2012
- Good leadership and active in co-curiculumn activities.
Sponsored Programmes
(www.utp.edu.my)Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
- Civil Engineering
- Electrical & Electronic Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Petroleum Engineering
Bachelor of Technology (Honours)
- Petroleum Geoscience
- Information Technology
- Business Information System
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)- Chemical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Petroleum Engineering
Bachelor of Technology (Honours)
- Geophysics
- Geology
- Commerce
- Finance
- Accounting
How to Apply
All applications must be made online at http://spmonline.petronas.com.my/Deadline
The closing date for application is on 28 March 2012For more details on Petronas Scholarship 2012 (Biasiswa Petronas 2012), kindly visit http://spmonline.petronas.com.my/