Malaysia Scholarshis 2016

ASEAN Graduate Scholarship 2017-2018

Scholarship Info

This scholarship is open to nationals of member countries of ASEAN* (except Singapore) to pursue a designated full-time Masters degree by coursework and dissertation.

* ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) consists of Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.


Dec 31, 2016


Eligibility criteria:
  • Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents are not eligible to apply
  • Excellent academic record
  • A good command of English
  • At least 2 years of working experience
  • You should not be on paid employment or accept paid employment or concurrently hold any other scholarship, fellowship, bursary or top-up allowance during the prescribed period of the award

Service Obligation*
Successful candidates are to sign service obligation upon acceptance. For more information on Service Obligation Scheme, please refer to this link. No deferment of scholarship awarded will be allowed.

* Not appplicable to RSIS Candidates



Each scholarship is tenable for 1 year for subsidised Master of Science programmes.

Each scholarship shall cover the following:

Tuition fee
Monthly stipend of S$1,350.00
Book allowance of S$500.00
Miscelleanous Fees: Health insurance, Examination fee, Registration fee, IT facilities fee, and Copyright fee

How to Apply

Click here.

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